Wednesday, April 4, 2007

America's Next Top Model...cycle 92

If you know me, you know I love reality TV. But even I have relegated America's Next Top Model to the Sunday night repeats.

Clearly, they have run out of gimmicks. Tonight's episodes features "how Twiggy got her name", and the wanna-be models have to come up with their own nicknames.

I have this love-hate relationship with Tyra, you know I have to give her props for being herself, even though her self is totally weird and awkward. So is mine, girlfriend, so go on with your bad self! (let's keep the steppin' moves - or any dancing, for that matter - off-camera, kay?)

But anyway, isn't what defines a model looking good in pictures and on the runway? I especially get annoyed when it comes down to that ridiculous final 2 where Tyra makes the spiel about "One of you looks perfect in every picture, but isn't showing me any personality; the other takes crap pictures, but we really like her. So which one goes home?" Translation: one of you makes for good drama TV (crack baby, anyone?) and the other is just an awesome model, but keeps to herself and doesn't wreak havoc in the house.

I suppose that Tyra Banks just possibly might know a bit more than I do about what makes a top model, I just find it incredibly difficult to believe that when you walk into an agency, they're all "so what is your nickname?"