Thursday, September 11, 2008

Canadian Idol

So, I'm the only one watching Canadian Idol in BC, obviously. I most appreciate reality shows where talent is actually required. But there is something to be said for charm, fo sho. I mean check my pick for the winner...Mitch. He was #2! (side note: for a while there I thought I was on a roll, I picked the SYTYCD winner from his first audition! Although the only proof I have of that is on my friend Claire's FB wall.)

Theo Tams is obviously super talented, maybe he's just not my style, but he sings very "old" (Anne Murray / Rita MacNeil-ish) to me, and I can totally notice his Canadian accent (even though he's only from Lethbridge!) which irritates the shit out of me for some reason. As for Mitch, he just always seemed geniuine, though I could do without the skinny pants.

Now that another painful season is over, I'm ready to cringe at SYTYCD, Canadian-style...hoping for better production values than CI. And wondering, who from my world and its fringes is going to pop up on my screen.

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