Sunday, August 23, 2009


True this article from on the most annoying facebookers.

I have a FB friend (a "lurker"?) who "has no time for Facebook", yet is consistently up-to-date on my life via FB updates. I was somewhat creeped out at first, but seeing as that I *am* a daily FB user and truthfully, use it to organize my life (especially over the past few months as events, contacts and emails sync up through my BB which syncs up my Google calendar, yippee), I put it all out there. So I can't complain when someone sympathizes that I still don't have a fridge. It just surprises me. And somewhat irritates me. I thought they had no time for FB? But my life *is* innately fascinating, so I can't hate on their fixation with my status updates.

Deeper into the group is more TMI than new moms. While of course you'd share a child's fever, worrisome illness symptoms, or potty successes (no details, please!), I don't really need to know about the contents of poop or the colour and composition of nasal discharge. I try to show the kids the respect of not mentioning their blueberry bums or constant crotch grabbing. (whoops.) Stuff on the internet can be permanent. And so many of my FB friends are guilty of this: naked baby/toddler/child pics! That shit is adorable, but there are creeps, oh so many creeps...

I also have a friend (maybe not much longer though?) who posts a monthly ("is not pregnant :(" ) post, along with lots of comments on my own child-related posts & pictures that just make me feel guilty ("I would trade sleep for a baby ANYTIME!") I'm all for wearing your heart on your sleeve but ... sigh.

I've also hid a few of the peeps whose status updates are a little over-the-top happy. Usually accompanied by excessive exclamation points. Maybe I'm just a cynic but when I read some of them, it makes me think: who are you trying to convince? ("had a great day with my hubby!!!! he is the best and such a wonderful life partner!!!! i am truly the luckiest person on the planet!!!!!") I'm all for shout-outs of love and respect and appreciating what we have, but some of you belong over at STFU, Marrieds.

On the other hand, those who are passive aggressively hashing it out via status update need some counselling. ("is cleaning up AGAIN while HE sits on the couch watching FOOTBALL.") Okay, that may have been an imaginary status update from my head. But if I add an "LOL!" or a "Men!! :)" it's not bitchy. Right?

Lastly, my favourite TMIs are the somewhere-out-there way back peeps I was barely friends with, at some point accepted their FB requests, who seem to still be rocking some *major* drama. My profile's restricted to those I barely know, because some of them are apparently batshit crazy, and to answer B's question of "why even be FB friends?", I present the following *actual* updates (censoring courtesy of me) so fun, especially coupled with the staggering amount of grammatically sketchy comments:

"why do i put myself through this? why cant i just accept that some people will continully disappoint me? U KNOW WHO U ARE" (too many of this ilk to list, from about 3 of my FB friends)

"from the pits of despair i rise up and say f**** you to all you HATERS!! oh not i, i will survive cos as long as i know how to love i know i will survive" (powerful.)

"finally HE IS GETTING A DIVORCE!!" (he didn't.)

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Bachelorette

Wes: comparisons to Graeme, but for me, not so much: Wes has a not-so-hidden agenda and also, ew.

Jake: Try hard much? I hate guys who moan about being perfect and so nice. Shut up.

Tanner: Foot fetish has come out of the quirky zone, straight into creepsville. Also, does he not realize he's gay?

Michael: too much ADD.

Jesse: I guess he's the front runner, for me. Seems psychologically sound (aside from appearing on a reality talk show), cute.

Everyone else: Meh.

I thought it was possibly Ed coming back, but it looks like it's Jake. you're creepy stalker dude.

Jillian needs to find a nice CANADIAN boy, non?!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

ANTM Cycle 1,002

I really, really want to post a prediction about whatever cycle of ANTM we're on. But I just can't be bothered...aside from the fabulous Miss J. Alexander, it's all just so terribly boring. I don't really want Janice Dickinson back, because she's become a cartoon character. And I do have to admit that this year's goddess theme was a definite improvements over last year's (cycle's!) campy alien theme.

But still, I'm pretty meh about the whole thing. At this point London is the only one with any personality, that I can see. (Yes, it's a personality contest.) I'm just not sure Tyra can make her cry.

I'm fondly remembering crazy b*tches past... you just know none of these snoozers are going to pee in a diaper, have bitches pouring beer on they weave, or not show appropriate awe and worship of Tyra, therefore inciting an insane rage. Where the Tiffanys at?!

What? Weird peeps in VV?

While perusing VV Boutique's offerings on a rare hour to myself this week, I was struck by how many men (aged 50+) were trolling the women's wear aisles. And really peering at all the stuff in a weird and creepy way. I started to really pay attention and see what a 50 year old man is looking for in the size 7/8 jeans section. (Because if they were looking for women's clothing in a size that fit them, I so wouldn't be curious, it would all make sense!) Then I realized all the junk on the shelf on the top of the racks. Oopsy. Back to your knicknacks, sir.